Monday, November 17, 2008

Why is it so much easier to listen to dad then mom?? Another story in the view point of my two year old.

Not that it has ever been a secret who Alexis thinks is the best person in the world...lately her view point has expanded to the idea that it is much easier to do things when dad asks then when mom does. (Although most moms would be sad or their feelings would be hurt I am very thankful that Alexis has such a strong bond with dad, some of my best times come from just watching them interact. They really are two peas in a pod)

I can ask Alexis to do certain things and she will just completely look past me as if I said nothing at all. Yet Tim will ask the same question a minute later and she is so excited to give a prompt answer. Most recently she informed me that
"my name is Lexi Blais you spell it L-E-X-I"

(both our families call her Lexi, but Tim and I have always preferred Alexis). I told her that Lexi was her nick name but her real name is Alexis, not really caring what my point was she continually insisted that her name was Lexi and that is what I should call her. So for weeks now I have been forced to call her Lexi because otherwise she doesn't answer lol.

Come to find out on Sunday at church when we were making her a name tag and signing her into Sunday school class she has no problem with Tim calling her Alexis just no one else :).
I guess sometimes it is just easier to accept the fact that it is indeed easier for her to listen to Tim than me.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Isn't that usually how it goes with Tim, though? When he talks, people listen...or he talks louder :)