Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Family names are confusing

Tim and I have been working with Alexis to identify people and our family and how they are related to us. We started this after Lexi got into an argument with Grandpa Doug about how
"Mom is not your daughter she is my daughter"
My Dad then tried to explain to her that he was infact my father, and that I was his daughter, and that Lexi was my daughter. She was not at all convinced, so we decided that now was a good time to start teaching her.
We decided to start working slow so now everytime we refer to an aunt or uncle we call then by name.
"Auntie Morgan" "Aunt Janna" and "Aunt Annie"
She was grasping the aunt and uncles concept very well until last weekend when she insisted calling my sister Raquel "Uncle Kyle" (who is her boyfriend). All weekend we worked on Aunt Raquel on Sunday she did settle on "Uncle ra-Kel"
Raquel not having kids was a little worried that Lexi was convinced that she was a boy lol. So I guess we will have to take baby steps, she told Tim this week that
"He is her daughter" and that "no you don't have parents". For now I think we will stick with the aunts and uncles and move on to parent-daughter comparisons later.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Ha! I'm sure Tim claimed on more than one occasion that our parents were not his. :) Alexis seems right on track.