Monday, November 17, 2008

Morning Battle at the Blais Home

Lexi has recently figured out that Dad works from home now. She doesn't understand that although he is home he actually does have to work...every morning since she has figured this out it has been a battle to get her in the car in the morning to take her to daycare. Most mornings she crawls into our bed around 5 and squirms in between us and whispers:
"Dad, you hold me"
Half a sleep Tim will always open up the covers and pulls her in...they will both be back asleep with in seconds.

I will then get up an hour later and begin to get ready for work. When I am almost finished I will wake Lexi up so we can get dressed and ready to go. This is normally a fairly effortless feat. She is usually pleased to get up and have breakfast and is thrilled to go play in the sand box with her friends.

Lately however she has figured out that dad stays home and therefore thinks she too should stay. So now my normal happy giggly morning girl has been replaced...

This morning for instance when I woke her with a pat on the back and a kiss her response was
"Get away from me I am sleeping with Dad"
I then explained that it was time to get up and get ready so we could go play in the sand box, but the next response was
"I am staying home with my dad today" and I then calmly told her "Dad has to work today sweet girl and you cannot stay here today, sorry" After a half hour of this I finally drug her out of bed and carried her downstairs where she cried for about a half an hour. Eventually we did make it out the door, but I am hoping the battle doesn't reoccur yet again tomorrow.


Tammy said...

I LOVE your blog. Thank you thank you thank you. "Lexi" is adorable and I love hearing about her antics. AND...I just learned that you chose KAYLEE for the baby's name!! I love it :). What is her middle name?
Can't wait to check in and read more. Love you! Tammy

Three Peas said...

Hahahaha I get such a kick out of the words she chooses. "Get away from me." She's so strong-minded! I've been sick for the last week, but I'll try to post on my blog soon.

Annie said...

Oh! So sad and so hard!! I totally love your blog too and I'm SO excited to hear more :)

Jessica said...

miss you all so much!