Lexi went to her first day of preschool this week. I was also able to attend for the first day while the kids get to know the teacher and each other. Toward the end of class Ms. Patti her teacher ask me if I wanted to bring Tim a treat for watching Kaylee, I commented back that he was going golfing later and that he really didn't need another treat. :) Lexi then says:
"Ms Patti, I love golf, and I love watching football with Daddy, but most of all I love the Red Sox"
Apparently she does listen to us...sometimes. Needless to say she has a very proud father and grandpa couldn't be happier!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Family update
So I have been horrible with staying up with this blog this summer, with moving and being so tired with my first trimester I haven't thought about it at all...but I am back! More fun stories to come :)
Monday, August 31, 2009
Prep for preschool
Lexi starts preschool next week. On the first day of class the kids are suppose to bring a parent with them for an hour so they can get use to the surroundings and learn about their new friends. I went and registered her last week and found all of this out so we had this conversation:
M: "Lexi do you want Mommy or Daddy to take you on your first day"
L: "Neither one of you are coming with me...I am a big girl, you can put me on the bus so I can go by myself!"
M: "Well Lexi girl everyone has to bring a parent with them so that we can meet your new friends"
L: "Well I still wanna go alone"
M: "Lexi do you want Mommy or Daddy to take you on your first day"
L: "Neither one of you are coming with me...I am a big girl, you can put me on the bus so I can go by myself!"
M: "Well Lexi girl everyone has to bring a parent with them so that we can meet your new friends"
L: "Well I still wanna go alone"
Saturday, May 2, 2009
family game night
So tonight we decided to start doing family game night. The game selected for this evening was hungry hungry hippos. While playing the game this conversation happens:
L: I want to be you mom and you can be my kids
M: Well what is my name?
L: You can be Alexis
T: Well who can I be?
L: you will be Lexi.
T: so we are both you?
L: Yes, now lets go Lexis it is time to play, the hippos are hungry.
L: I want to be you mom and you can be my kids
M: Well what is my name?
L: You can be Alexis
T: Well who can I be?
L: you will be Lexi.
T: so we are both you?
L: Yes, now lets go Lexis it is time to play, the hippos are hungry.
Friday, April 10, 2009
to be mortified or not to be...that is the question
Do you ever have those moments with your children where you are in public and your child does something that you are not sure if you should be mortified or throw all of the "mom" books out the door and laugh hysterically. After my Easter dress shopping extravaganza today and thinking about the days events I wondered if I am the only one that these things happen to. Here are a few things that Lexi does that I have to "talk" to her about but silently inside (and sometime not so silently, Tim often gets upset with me for laughing while we are trying to discipline Lexi...not good I know)I want to fall over laughing!
So during today's shopping on our seventh and final store looking for dress shoes for her Easter dress, after trying on many pairs...I finally had a second to find some pants for me for Sunday. As I am looking Lexi starts hiding in the racks and suddenly jumps out in front of a lady and says "BOO!" of course I am standing two feet away and give a shy smile as if to say sorry but before I could get it out Lexi then says "Lady have you seen my mom, I almost got lost!" Now a little more mortified I say "Lexi right here please stay with me" She replies "it's ok mom I ask the nice lady where you were" hmmm....mortified or not...
So during today's shopping on our seventh and final store looking for dress shoes for her Easter dress, after trying on many pairs...I finally had a second to find some pants for me for Sunday. As I am looking Lexi starts hiding in the racks and suddenly jumps out in front of a lady and says "BOO!" of course I am standing two feet away and give a shy smile as if to say sorry but before I could get it out Lexi then says "Lady have you seen my mom, I almost got lost!" Now a little more mortified I say "Lexi right here please stay with me" She replies "it's ok mom I ask the nice lady where you were" hmmm....mortified or not...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Lost your chance
So Lexi was acting up the other day, so I sent her to her room. She then says to me:
"I don't want to go" I reply
"Sorry honey you lost your chance, I gave you three warnings and you didn't stop"
she then says:
"Look mom I found my chance I would like to stay please" At this point she has her arms stretched out as if holding something in her cupped hands.
"I don't want to go" I reply
"Sorry honey you lost your chance, I gave you three warnings and you didn't stop"
she then says:
"Look mom I found my chance I would like to stay please" At this point she has her arms stretched out as if holding something in her cupped hands.
Monday, March 16, 2009
hair cut
Hello! So I have decided that it is time for a change with my hair. Part of me would really like to chop it because I have been getting major headaches...but the other part of me thinks that it has taken me like three years to grow it out. So I have posted some picture of celebs that I am thinking about and want to know what you think. love you all & thanks

Jessica Simpson

Sophia bush

Kristen from th OC

Jenny McCarthy

Jennifer Aniston

Amanda Bynes

Jessica Simpson

Sophia bush

Kristen from th OC

Jenny McCarthy

Jennifer Aniston

Amanda Bynes
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Letter's by Lexi
I bought some flash cards for Lexi with letters on them. I want to start having her recognize sounds and be able to identify letter so that she can have a head start on reading. As we are going through the letters I am explaining lower case an upper case letters, each flash card has both...we get to the letter B it has a picture of a baby on it and then the letters B b.
I ask Lexi "what letter is this"
she replies:
"it has a big B and an upside down P" she pauses and says "B-p is for baby". I try to explain that the "upside down P" is a little b at which point she turns the card upside down to show me that it is a P, we ran into the same problem with the little n being a u and the d being backward, she was also quite sure the the V was missing a line (funny side note she calls lines lions...) and it too was upside down.
This makes me wonder who on earth though up the alphabet and why the letters cannot be more distinct, it also makes me wonder why some letters such as:
S s & X x & C c
truly look like a larger and smaller version yet letters like
R r & Q q & G g
are so different, and really what is the point of have upper case and lower case letter?? Wouldn't it just be easier to have one or the other? After all we use spaces and punctuation marks to start and end sentences and wouldn't the second grade go by a lot quicker with out a proper noun chapter?
I ask Lexi "what letter is this"
she replies:
"it has a big B and an upside down P" she pauses and says "B-p is for baby". I try to explain that the "upside down P" is a little b at which point she turns the card upside down to show me that it is a P, we ran into the same problem with the little n being a u and the d being backward, she was also quite sure the the V was missing a line (funny side note she calls lines lions...) and it too was upside down.
This makes me wonder who on earth though up the alphabet and why the letters cannot be more distinct, it also makes me wonder why some letters such as:
S s & X x & C c
truly look like a larger and smaller version yet letters like
R r & Q q & G g
are so different, and really what is the point of have upper case and lower case letter?? Wouldn't it just be easier to have one or the other? After all we use spaces and punctuation marks to start and end sentences and wouldn't the second grade go by a lot quicker with out a proper noun chapter?
Thoughts by Jess
So today I was reading an article titled "Teach your kids to break the rules" it was on msn and really wonderful, here is the link for those who are interested:
I began thinking, Lexi has been many times pegged as a 'bully' however as bad as it sounds I do tell her it is wrong but I don't really punish her for it...my thought in this process is that I would much rather have her know how to stick up for herself than be bullied. This is really awful but it is truly how I feel. I also think that if she was really being horrible to other kids she would be in huge trouble (or as much trouble and punishment as I can give my three year old).
In the article I was reading it goes on to talk about teaching your children to question things and think as an individual instead of 'running with the herd'. Although my daughter is thick-headed and stubborn I am very thankful that she does think for herself...maybe some day I will teach her to pee in the woods.
I began thinking, Lexi has been many times pegged as a 'bully' however as bad as it sounds I do tell her it is wrong but I don't really punish her for it...my thought in this process is that I would much rather have her know how to stick up for herself than be bullied. This is really awful but it is truly how I feel. I also think that if she was really being horrible to other kids she would be in huge trouble (or as much trouble and punishment as I can give my three year old).
In the article I was reading it goes on to talk about teaching your children to question things and think as an individual instead of 'running with the herd'. Although my daughter is thick-headed and stubborn I am very thankful that she does think for herself...maybe some day I will teach her to pee in the woods.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
American Idol moment
American Idol is a family night for us, Tim and I both enjoy the show and Lexi has come to appreciate it as well. This evening while watching the last male contestant (Jorge for those of you who watch) was singing and I am looking at him thinking--wow he has a really great voice, but what is up with his eye browns very abnormally large...at this exact moment Lexi looks over and says "wow mom look huge brows! mine are small see."
At this point I am laughing so hard I could barely tell Tim what had just happened, maybe you had to be there...
At this point I am laughing so hard I could barely tell Tim what had just happened, maybe you had to be there...
sneaky little Lexi
Lexi has a rough time going to bed at night, if it is not monsters she is hungry or thirsty or just "meeds a hug mommy" (this one works every time by the way, I cannot refuse a hug especially when she adds a please mommy on the end). This evening I was really not being very firm with her and after the fourth time of her coming downstairs for something, and her and Tim playing a little more. I stated
"ok Lexi time to go" she looks at me and says
"But mom all my friends are hear, I look over at the couch that I am not sitting on and what do you know she must have been bringing her stuffed animals down at every trip because there are now enough "friends" to fill the couch.
"ok Lexi time to go" she looks at me and says
"But mom all my friends are hear, I look over at the couch that I am not sitting on and what do you know she must have been bringing her stuffed animals down at every trip because there are now enough "friends" to fill the couch.
first laugh
Yesterday I was holding Kaylee while she was sleeping, (while she is sleeping she makes the best faces)and out of no where she lets out a little giggle. Precious moments!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Communion Sunday
The first Sunday of every month is communion Sunday. At the end of the sermon on this Sunday we go and get Lexi from her Sunday school class so that she too can participate in communion. This Sunday was our first communion Sunday back from having Kaylee, so I went and got Lexi from her class and then I sat with Kaylee while Tim and Lexi took communion. After they got back I went at which point Lexi says to Tim:
"I think mom is hungry too, she is going to the nice lady to get food."
When I get back she says:
"Mom that lady gave me bread with jelly and it was so....good!"
"I think mom is hungry too, she is going to the nice lady to get food."
When I get back she says:
"Mom that lady gave me bread with jelly and it was so....good!"
Monday, February 16, 2009
How I know my child is truely my husbands daughter (as if there were any doubt)
Tim is really great with the girls...I really cannot compete I am just not as fun! There are some moments when Lexi does really goofy things and people just give me a funny look, but then I have to explain that Tim has created one of his goofy great games and that is how they play. One of the strangest is when they steal body parts from each other (noses, ears, the occasional limb) and eat them. They then determine if the part the other has stolen is worth wrestling over to get back or if it tastes good enough not to fake spit it out. Very strange I know...
so this weekend when Steve was here Lexi saw his tape measure and says "hey grandpa how bout my nose" Steve gives me a strange look and I have to explain that some times Tim will pull out the tape measure to measure her height...this eventually turns into measuring noses and ears...really kind of funny!
So this evening Lexi comes over and says
L: "Mommy my arm hurts!!"
M: "what is wrong with it"
L: "I don't know do you think we need to cut it off?"
M: "I am not sure Lexi how bad does it hurt?"
L: "hmm not sure but dad says only you or him can cut it off!"
Yet another fun game...Thanks honey, she has such a great imagination!
so this weekend when Steve was here Lexi saw his tape measure and says "hey grandpa how bout my nose" Steve gives me a strange look and I have to explain that some times Tim will pull out the tape measure to measure her height...this eventually turns into measuring noses and ears...really kind of funny!
So this evening Lexi comes over and says
L: "Mommy my arm hurts!!"
M: "what is wrong with it"
L: "I don't know do you think we need to cut it off?"
M: "I am not sure Lexi how bad does it hurt?"
L: "hmm not sure but dad says only you or him can cut it off!"
Yet another fun game...Thanks honey, she has such a great imagination!
Super baby Kaylee
I am not sure what it is about Tim and I's kids...Maybe our genes are just so good that when combined we create super strong infants or maybe it's due to the fact that they stay in utero so long that by the time they are born they should already be a week or two old (the later is more likely :)) So when Lexi was first born the pediatrician was shocked when her came in for her first visit and Lexi could lift her head at a day old. When Kaylee came this was an expected thing...so it was not a shock that when I place her on my shoulder to burp her she starts looking to find Tim's voice. However on the day we left the hospital the hospital photographer came by to take her picture... during the last few poses she laid Kaylee on her stomach which she was not happy. She started screaming and then pushed her arms and rolled from her front to the back! I couldn't believe it, and the photographer was shocked too!
My best day ever
This weekend Tim's wonderful parents Tammy and Steve were in town. On Saturday Tammy took Lexi to chuck e cheese and then that evening we all went out to dinner. All day she had a blast and totally loved Chuck E Cheese! She has been asking to go back to Chucky's house...At the end of dinner on the way to the car she exclaims:
"This is my best day ever!" Thanks grandma and grandpa for making your trip so special!
"This is my best day ever!" Thanks grandma and grandpa for making your trip so special!
New baby sister
Lexi has been very protective over her little sister. During any visiting she will usually say "don't touch her, she is my sister" but on the way to daycare Lexi says to me "Mom can I wake her up to play?" I reply "No Lexi Kaylee is so tired she needs to rest" she then huffs and says "mom my sister is boring!"
Sunday, February 1, 2009
So Lexi and I have recently been discussing what she wants to be when she grows up. Over the past few weeks when I have asked she said "I don't know" until the other evening when we were driving she stated:
"Hey mom when I grow up I want to be a pilot!" On our recent trip to Utah the flight attendant gave her a pair of pilot wings, this was a very exciting moment for her!
I replied to her
"that is great I think is a wonderful idea!" and Tim added "Where are you going to fly?"
She says "we are going to fly to grandma's house, and then I will fly you to work"
needless to say she is very pleased with her decision.
"Hey mom when I grow up I want to be a pilot!" On our recent trip to Utah the flight attendant gave her a pair of pilot wings, this was a very exciting moment for her!
I replied to her
"that is great I think is a wonderful idea!" and Tim added "Where are you going to fly?"
She says "we are going to fly to grandma's house, and then I will fly you to work"
needless to say she is very pleased with her decision.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My first hair cut!
I have been waiting to get Alexis' hair cut...and yes I know she is three and she has never had one. I wanted to have her bangs grow out, so for the past three years I have been pulling her hair into pony tails and half ponies and braids. This is great because her hair is long and it stays out of her face. The other night she came into the living room from her bedroom and says
"Mom do you love my beautiful hair?" it is not unusual for my daughter to make comments like this, I often encourage comments like this being a firm believer in the fact that it is better to have too much self-confidence rather than not enough.
I reply "Lexi your hair is beautiful" at which point I start to notice that something is not the same...I began examining her hair. At first glance it looked as if she had gotten into Tim's hair gel and had created a knot, I gently started to pull the "knot" when a huge clump of hair came out with the clump. I gasp now frantically pulling hair in that spot. Tim has noticed that I am in a panic and comes over to see what is going on, sure enough she has cut several pieces and left about an inch in length, all of the pieces are right around her face so it definitely could be worse. After pulling all of the pieces out I must have looked really upset because Tim says
"honey are you going to cry" and lexi says "Mommy its OK I will get you the scissors." At this point I was in such shock I hadn't even ask how she did this or why, so after she comes down stairs with some nose hair trimmer scissors I ask her
"Lexi why did you do this to your beautiful hair?"
She replies
"I am sorry, but I just don't know!"
I am just glad that it is out of her system, hopefully her hair is grown back by next birthday!
"Mom do you love my beautiful hair?" it is not unusual for my daughter to make comments like this, I often encourage comments like this being a firm believer in the fact that it is better to have too much self-confidence rather than not enough.
I reply "Lexi your hair is beautiful" at which point I start to notice that something is not the same...I began examining her hair. At first glance it looked as if she had gotten into Tim's hair gel and had created a knot, I gently started to pull the "knot" when a huge clump of hair came out with the clump. I gasp now frantically pulling hair in that spot. Tim has noticed that I am in a panic and comes over to see what is going on, sure enough she has cut several pieces and left about an inch in length, all of the pieces are right around her face so it definitely could be worse. After pulling all of the pieces out I must have looked really upset because Tim says
"honey are you going to cry" and lexi says "Mommy its OK I will get you the scissors." At this point I was in such shock I hadn't even ask how she did this or why, so after she comes down stairs with some nose hair trimmer scissors I ask her
"Lexi why did you do this to your beautiful hair?"
She replies
"I am sorry, but I just don't know!"
I am just glad that it is out of her system, hopefully her hair is grown back by next birthday!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
It is my special day
Lexi says to me a few days ago.
L:"Hey Mom do you know my birthday is January 13th??"
M:"Yes Lexi, do you know that January 13th is next Tuesday?"
L:"OOOO next Tuesday it will be my special day!"
M: "What kind of cake would you like?"
L: "A tower with pink...oh and Orange and white and Pink and Blue ice cream!"
M: "Lexi I am not sure they have ice cream that is all of those colors but we can see what we find. What flavor do you want your cake, chocolate, vanilla??"
L: "Not a flavor mama, tower, you know how Dora saves the snow princess, she is locked in a tower by the mean witch! But then we saved the day!"
L: "I am so excited!!"
M: "me too Lexi"
L: "Hey mom, is it next Tuesday yet?"
After I tried to explain that Tuesday is a few days away and she kept asking more questions I decided it was best to let her know Next Tuesday that it was in fact next Tuesday and her special day!
L:"Hey Mom do you know my birthday is January 13th??"
M:"Yes Lexi, do you know that January 13th is next Tuesday?"
L:"OOOO next Tuesday it will be my special day!"
M: "What kind of cake would you like?"
L: "A tower with pink...oh and Orange and white and Pink and Blue ice cream!"
M: "Lexi I am not sure they have ice cream that is all of those colors but we can see what we find. What flavor do you want your cake, chocolate, vanilla??"
L: "Not a flavor mama, tower, you know how Dora saves the snow princess, she is locked in a tower by the mean witch! But then we saved the day!"
L: "I am so excited!!"
M: "me too Lexi"
L: "Hey mom, is it next Tuesday yet?"
After I tried to explain that Tuesday is a few days away and she kept asking more questions I decided it was best to let her know Next Tuesday that it was in fact next Tuesday and her special day!
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