Friday, March 5, 2010

Family Update!

Ok so I know I promised more funny stories and such about the family...Sorry! But I thought that I would give everyone a little family update now that I am kind of settled for another week or so lol.

Ok some about me: I am litterally weeks away from my due date with Baby number 3, we have picked out a name (finally) but I haven't decided on the spelling yet so for now atleast in writing I will stick to baby number 3 for a few more days! I am loving being a staying at home mom (weird for me I know) and really enjoying being close to my sister in law Annie and her wonderful family. It is also so nice to have Tim's parents Tammy and Steve close I really don't think I would have survived the summer or fall...and I guess now that winter is almost over that too with out them. The girls really love having the family close too! Other than trying to stay awake during the day and pushing through my last month being pregnant I have really just been relaxing and trying to settle into our new house. The move to Utah has been one of the best decisions that Tim and I have made to date and I am so happy we decided to go!!

Tim: Tim is really busier than ever. He has been working so hard at his new job with Mike Hale Acura and making some great improvements to the store. Everyone is really pleased to have him there and I am really happy that he is happy :). Although he has been logging like 60+ hours a week I really feel like we get to spend way more time together here then we did in Denver, so that is really nice too! He also has had a little time to play golf on his days off and it is nice that Steve is close so they can hang out and go together.

Alexis: Lex turned four in January...which makes me feel a little old I am not going to lie. She is getting so big and truley coming into her own personality. She started preschool this year and is doing fabuloulsy with learning all new things, and she seems to be retaining a lot of the information too which is great! She is also growing like a weed and not surprisingly she is in size 6 slim clothes and is the tallest in her class. She loves to sing and dance and can dribble a basketball like no four year old I know!

Kaylee: Kaylee is such a happy little stinker, just really good natured and funny! She started walking about 4 months ago and is seriously running now! She has also started talking and her favorite word is "WHAT" anytime I say her name it is immediately followed by a "what" and a smile. She loves to chase our cats and run up and down the stairs. But her favorite thing is Lexi, she will sit at the bottom of the stairs yelling for her until Alexis invites her to play. It is so cute! I am really happy that they get along so well!

So that is about it...not much just busy with our everyday things and awaiting the new baby. I will keep you all updated on all other things to come!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I love it Jess and I'm more than thrilled with how well everyone is doing. I know how hard it is for your family to have you far from home, (been there, doing that) but I also know how important it is to be settled financially and happy in your little family.