Friday, April 10, 2009

to be mortified or not to be...that is the question

Do you ever have those moments with your children where you are in public and your child does something that you are not sure if you should be mortified or throw all of the "mom" books out the door and laugh hysterically. After my Easter dress shopping extravaganza today and thinking about the days events I wondered if I am the only one that these things happen to. Here are a few things that Lexi does that I have to "talk" to her about but silently inside (and sometime not so silently, Tim often gets upset with me for laughing while we are trying to discipline Lexi...not good I know)I want to fall over laughing!

So during today's shopping on our seventh and final store looking for dress shoes for her Easter dress, after trying on many pairs...I finally had a second to find some pants for me for Sunday. As I am looking Lexi starts hiding in the racks and suddenly jumps out in front of a lady and says "BOO!" of course I am standing two feet away and give a shy smile as if to say sorry but before I could get it out Lexi then says "Lady have you seen my mom, I almost got lost!" Now a little more mortified I say "Lexi right here please stay with me" She replies "it's ok mom I ask the nice lady where you were" hmmm....mortified or not...