Tuesday, March 3, 2009

sneaky little Lexi

Lexi has a rough time going to bed at night, if it is not monsters she is hungry or thirsty or just "meeds a hug mommy" (this one works every time by the way, I cannot refuse a hug especially when she adds a please mommy on the end). This evening I was really not being very firm with her and after the fourth time of her coming downstairs for something, and her and Tim playing a little more. I stated
"ok Lexi time to go" she looks at me and says
"But mom all my friends are hear, I look over at the couch that I am not sitting on and what do you know she must have been bringing her stuffed animals down at every trip because there are now enough "friends" to fill the couch.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

HAHA! She is SO smart. She has lots of tricks up her sleeve.